What is Narrative Therapy?

Here at Embodied Therapy Group, Narrative Therapy is one of our favorite approaches to counseling. Developed by Michael White and David Epston, Narrative Therapy focuses on empowering clients through recognizing the stories we have created from our experiences, what meaning we have attached to these stories, and how we have used them to form our identities and understanding of ourselves in the world.

Through collaborating with your counselor to externalize problems, that is, see some of the stories we tell ourselves from a more objective perspective, healing can take place by making room for new possibilities and alternative stories that are more congruent with the context of the situation and your personal identity.

Aspects of Narrative Therapy:

  • Separate the person from the problem

  • What alternative stories could also be true?

  • How has the preferred story been attached to identity?

  • Explore the impact on relationships

  • Deconstruct societal norms

  • Support autonomy and decision-making of the client

Narratives help us make sense of our experiences. Being able to use language to understand our experiences and communicate them to others can feel connecting and healing. Relating to our stories and experiences in a way that best captures our true identity can often has the power to mitigate many mental health concerns that arise from disconnection. These are some components of Narrative Therapy that may arise during counseling. Ask your counselor for more information if you’re interested in this approach.


Healing + Exploring New Trails