Our Therapists

Alyssa Proulx (she/her)

Evan Bostrom (he/him)


By exploring our therapists' bios, you can gain a better understanding of their individual passions and specialities. We want you to feel confident and inspired as you embark on your journey towards healing.
*All services are polyamory aware/friendly, kink positive, LGBTQIA2S+ affirming and celebrated!
  • Complex trauma and developmental trauma include traumatic experiences that are compounding and/or occur during critical developmental periods in a person’s life. Trauma impacts at least 70% of adults in the United States.

    Read more about C-PTSD + Developmental Trauma

  • Religious trauma can occur in many settings and across a variety of different religions and belief systems. Adverse Religious Experiences include any experience of a religious belief, practice, or structure that undermines an individual's sense of safety or autonomy and/or negatively impacts their physical, social, emotional, relational, or psychological well-being (Religious Trauma Institute).

    Purity Culture Recovery: Purity Culture Recovery involves addressing the harmful effects of strict and oppressive teachings around sexuality and relationships that are often found in conservative religious communities. (Read more about Purity Culture Recovery)

    Read more about ARE’s and Religious Trauma

  • Inner-child healing can be found in a variety of different therapeutic approaches, including Narrative Therapy and Internal Family Systems therapy. Inner-Child Healing focuses on addressing past emotional wounds and learning to nurture the self, while Parts Work involves recognizing and integrating different aspects of oneself that acts as “parts” or roles as one might have in a family system.

    Read more about Inner-Child Healing and Parts Work

  • Self-esteem can relate to many aspects of identity and often impacts an individual’s feelings of self-worth and ability to practice self-compassion. Issues regarding body image can range from negative perceptions of self to eating disorders. Embodied Therapy Group aligns with Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size (HAES) principles for issues regarding body image and disordered eating.

    Read more about Self-Esteem and Body Image

  • Having a confidential space to discuss concerns coming up in men’s lives can help alleviate stress and create resolution. Men's Issues refers to the specific challenges and experiences faced by men in areas such as mental health, masculinity, and societal expectations. Some examples include marital and family stress, life transitions, intimacy issues, isolation, anger, conflict resolution, domestic violence, anxiety, and depression.

    Therapists specializing in Men’s Issues: Evan (Click here to visit Evan’s bio)

    Read more about Men’s Issues

  • Sexual Wellness encompasses the physical, emotional, and relational aspects of a person's sexual health, while Gender Identity relates to an individual's internal sense of self relating to gender and gender expression in a social context.

    Gender-Affirming Care + Letter Writing: Embodied Therapy Group offers gender-affirming care services, including support, resources, and appropriate interventions to affirm an individual's gender identity. Additionally, our therapists assist in the letter writing process, aiding individuals in accessing the gender-affirming treatments they need.

    Read more about Sexual Wellness + Gender Identity

  • Relationship Counseling can involve couples, multiple romantic partners, family members, or siblings. Our therapists specialize in helping individuals and couples improve their relationships, resolve conflicts, and enhance communication, fostering healthier and more fulfilling connections.

    Consensual Non-Monogamy (CNM): Consensual Non-Monogamy refers to relationship structures where all parties involved have agreed upon and consented to engage in multiple romantic or sexual relationships simultaneously. We offer guidance and support for individuals and couples exploring consensual non-monogamy, providing a space to navigate the dynamics, boundaries, and communication necessary for engaging in multiple romantic or sexual relationships. (Read more about Consensual Non-Monogamy)

    *Polyamory aware/friendly, kink positive, LGBTQIA2S+ Affirming and Celebrated

    Read more about Relationship Counseling
