What Embodiment Means to Us

To be embodied is to be attuned and present with ourselves. It can be as simple as recognizing your breath, your heart beating, or the hunger or fullness in your belly. It is a lifestyle of turning toward ourselves, rather than numbing and disconnecting from our being in an attempt to escape ourselves. By integrating our therapeutic expertise along with a strong sense of connection we believe that we can help clients do exactly this, and turn toward themselves in compassion. Our hope is to help people learn to be more attuned and grounded no matter what issues they may be facing.

Embodied Therapy Group is a team of clinicians rooted in compassion, who celebrate and affirm the experience of marginalized identities. We desire to dismantle the stories that have been given to us that perpetuate violence, disembodiment, and oppression. Our practice centers around a collaborative relationship between client and therapist that prioritizes cultivating presence, attunement, and kindness with ourselves and our stories.

Being embodied is simply a step into being more alive. Maybe, in our lives, something or someone told us that it was not okay to be attuned to our bodies. That to be truly alive is not safe. At ETG, we can begin to explore how we got here, heal our wounds, and cultivate a connected and attuned relationship with ourselves and others! 


Sex is…


A Rush of Connection