Grounding 101

What is Grounding?

Grounding is the use of techniques to help us calm our nervous systems in order to move from a state of distress or overwhelm to a state of calm and connected. These methods are particularly useful when we find ourselves feeling anxious, experiencing a trigger, or struggling with stressful or spiraling thoughts. Grounding helps us to anchor ourselves in the present moment, providing a sense of stability and reducing the impact of negative emotions.

Grounding Techniques: Utilize the 5 Senses!

Engaging our senses can be a powerful way to ground ourselves. By focusing on sensory experiences, we can divert our minds from distressing thoughts and connect with the present moment. Here are some effective grounding techniques categorized by the five senses:


Sound can have a profound effect on our mental state. Calming music can soothe our nerves, providing a gentle distraction from anxiety. A sound machine with nature sounds or white noise can create a serene environment. If you find comfort in certain voices, a voice memo or phone call with someone you trust can be grounding. Even humming or singing a favorite tune can have a calming effect, as the vibrations from these actions can help regulate our nervous system.


Our sense of smell is closely linked to our emotions and memories, making it a powerful tool for grounding. Essential oils or candles with soothing scents like lavender, chamomile, or eucalyptus can help calm the mind. The aroma of your favorite tea can be comforting, and cooking or baking something you love can fill your space with familiar and soothing smells.


Taste can be an immediate way to ground yourself. Enjoying your favorite food or treat can bring a sense of pleasure and focus. Eating something with a strong flavor, like a Jolly Rancher or peppermint, can be particularly grounding. Chewing gum and paying attention to the texture and flavor of each bite can also help you stay connected to the present moment.


Touch is another effective grounding sense. Playing with a fidget toy or an object with an interesting texture can provide sensory feedback that helps you stay grounded. Petting your animals can offer comfort and a sense of connection. Asking for a hug, hugging yourself, or using butterfly taps (crossing your arms and tapping your shoulders) can be soothing. Placing a hand with gentle pressure on your heart and/or gut can also help calm your nervous system.


Visual stimuli can be very grounding. Take note of five things you can see around you, focusing on the details and colors. Looking at your favorite art or photos can bring comfort and joy. Watching a comforting movie can provide a visual escape while drawing or painting something you love can be both calming and creatively engaging.


Incorporating grounding techniques into your daily life is a journey of growth and healing. At Embodied Therapy Group, we're here to support you every step of the way. Whether you're seeking individual or couples counseling, our compassionate therapists in Colorado are dedicated to helping you navigate your challenges with empathy and expertise.

At Embodied Therapy Group, we understand that healing is not a one-time task but an ongoing process of exploration and refinement. By integrating evidence-based approaches and specialized techniques tailored to your unique needs, we empower you to make meaningful and lasting changes in your life.

Whether you prefer in-person sessions at our Fort Collins office or virtual therapy from the comfort of your own home anywhere in Colorado, our doors are open to you. Our areas of expertise include trauma, religious trauma, and sexual wellness, providing a safe and supportive space for you to explore and heal.

Take the first step towards managing your struggles more healthily by reaching out to Embodied Therapy Group today:

  • Visit our website to learn more about our services

  • Schedule a consultation with one of our experienced therapists

  • Start your journey toward healing and transformation with us.


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